The Power and the Story
Jewish Book Week touches down at Kings Place in March this year. Festival Director Lucy Silver welcomes you to a stimulating nine days of live interviews, rousing debates and sparkling entertainment.
‘writers, journalists & bloggers interpret our most pressing global concerns’
Politicians and spin doctors – our modern-day leaders and prophets – are often confounded by what people want and how they vote. We bring you the real experts to explore and analyse up-to-the minute social and political issues; writers, journalists, commentators and bloggers interpret our most pressing global concerns throughout the festival.
Douglas Murray offers his highly personal analysis of the problems besetting the West in The Strange Death of Europe. John Lloyd’s pertinent latest book, The Power and the Story, provides the springboard for a debate on how news is presented – and frequently bowdlerised – even in liberal democracies. Martin Bell discloses his life in news.
Ian Black’s Enemies and Neighbours re-examines the events that have shaped Middle East history since 1918; Daniel Gordis and Yael Dayan are among those considering the consequences of the Six-Day War; and as Trump’s new audacities emerge, our political analysts will respond in depth.
A number of lively sessions revolve around art, literature and the theatre. Griselda Pollock elucidates the intense life and paintings of Charlotte Salomon; Arthur Miller’s relationship with Hollywood is the focus of a dramatised event featuring leading actors; Nicholas Hytner reveals what is involved in directing the National Theatre; the best of new fiction is represented by acclaimed authors such as Amanda Craig, Laurent Binet and Francesca Segal.
The Angry Chef deconstructs foodie pseudo-science and we hear all about the anthropology of street food. All this and much more awaits you in March, hope to see you there.