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Aurora Orchestra: In the Alps

Earth Unwrapped

Sat 4 Oct

Aurora Orchestra: In the Alps

Earth Unwrapped

Richard Ayres No. 42 (In the Alps) [salon version]
Mahler (arr. Farrington) Symphony No. 4
Mary Bevan soprano
Nicholas Collon conductor
Aurora Orchestra

Welcome to the Alps! Join Aurora and soprano Mary Bevan on a mountain journey in the third concert of Aurora’s year-long exploration of Mahler’s music.

Ayres offers a different perspective on mountain life with his extraordinary No. 42 – In the Alps: an ‘animated concert’ which combines a virtuosic and ravishing score with a zany story and projected silent film-style titles. Mary Bevan appears as soloist for this playful, beautiful and often uproariously funny piece which tells the story of a young girl stranded on top of an unclimbable mountain-top, who learns to sing from the mountain animals around her and falls in love with the distant trumpet-playing of a boy in the valley far below.

And where else could this journey continue but Mahler’s Fourth Symphony? Written following a lazy summer in the very mountains Ayres describes, Mahler drew on themes of childhood, innocence and spirituality to create some of his most affecting orchestral music. Aurora performs Iain Farrington’s arrangement for chamber orchestra, which retains the character of Mahler’s original symphony and draws out the composer’s soloistic instrumental lines for a more intimate presentation.

This event will last approximately 2 hours, including an interval. 

Plan your visit

Getting here
Kings Place is situated just a few minutes’ walk from King’s Cross and St Pancras stations, one of the most connected locations in London and now the biggest transport hub in Europe.

Our address is:
90 York Way, London, N1 9AG.

The Venue 
Our performance spaces are situated on the lower ground floor. Hall One, Hall Two and St Pancras are located in level -2, reached by stairs, escalator and lift from the ground floor entrance level.

Event Times 
Door times indicate auditorium entrance times only. Visitors are welcome to enjoy the Kings Place seating areas, gallery-level art, canal-side terrace, café, restaurant and bar throughout the day and evening.

  • Our events begin promptly at the advertised start time. Typically, there is no support unless otherwise stated.
  • We recommend arriving in good time before the performance. The Hall doors will open 30 minutes before the performance to allow time to take your seats, or to choose a space for standing shows.
  • Latecomers will be admitted at a suitable break in the performance where possible


We aim to make your visit to Kings Place as comfortable as possible. For more information about the accessibility of Kings Place, including details about our Access Scheme, please visit this page.

If you would like to discuss your access requirements with a member of our team, please get in touch with the Box Office team at 


Food & Drink

Rotunda Bar & Restaurant
Rotunda, situated on the ground floor of Kings Place, offers a unique dining and drinking experience alongside Regent’s Canal. The concert bar in the venue foyer will also be open for select events.

Green & Fortune Café
Recently re-furbished and now open with a new look, the Green & Fortune Café is open for selected concerts. Serving hot and cold food and drinks, including sandwiches, salads, soup, stew and a pie of the day, alongside a choice of cakes made by the on-site bakery team. See here for selected concert dates and standard opening hours.

Date:Sat 4 Oct
Start time:7.30pm (Doors: 7pm)
Venue:Hall One
+ 12.5% (£6 cap) Transaction fee.
+ £1 Building levy. More info
Availability:Tickets available
£10 tickets available for 'Under 30s'
A limited number of £10 (no booking fee) tickets are available with this show for attendees aged under 30. Please note that proof of ID may be requested.
Kings Place Concessions Tickets
We want to ensure that people who may be struggling financially to purchase a ticket can still enjoy visiting Kings Place. A limited number of tickets have been allocated to this event (if the ticket type does not show in the booking pathway, it means they have all been sold). Concessions tickets are accessible for people on the following criteria (for more information visit our FAQs)
  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Disability Benefit
  • Income Support or Job Seekers allowance
  • Students
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