Past event
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6:15pm – 7:45pm: Haringey Guitars
London’s Haringey Music Hub is unique in placing the guitar at the heart of its work which is why it’s a natural partner for IGF’s outreach work with children and young adults. Tonight’s concert features the excellent guitar groups of Haringey Guitars performing with guests Antonia Jimenez and Jule Malischke. (we offer a special separate price of £5 for this part of the evening)
8:15pm – 10:15pm: Antonia Jimenez, flamenco guitar with support from songwriter and guitarist Jule Malischke
Antonia Jimenez is the foremost women flamenco guitarist in the world. Flamenco guitar was for a long time the most male dominated form of guitar playing but this has changed very much in recent years. Antonia is a pioneer. She has led the field of flamenco women players for the past 30 years touring all over the globe as a soloist and accompanist of top flamenco singers and dancers.
The moment Jule Malischke walks out on stage, audiences are immediately captivated by her genuine and vibrant charisma, and they will follow her down any road she leads them with her warm and beautiful voice and exceptional guitar playing.
She presents her songs passionately and poetically, songs which tell us stories about personal encounters, great joy, aspirations and disappointments, reflecting life with all its yearnings, hopes and dreams.
This concert is part of La Leona, women and the guitar.
Ticket holders to this event can go to Haringey Guitars – The Big Night of the Guitar for free. If you would like to attend, please contact and our box office team will reserve you a ticket.