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Robin Ince Book Launch

Thu 8 May

Robin Ince Book Launch

‘Normally Weird… Weirdly Normal’ is Robin Ince’s fifth and most personal book. This special launch night event at Kings Place includes a sneak look at Robin’s latest show – ‘The Universe and The Neurodiverse’ – plus music and conversations with special guests.

Undoubtedly the hardest book to write so far, Robin Ince‘s Normally Weird… Weirdly Normal was inspired by an autistic stranger contacting him and asking if he would like to talk about his mind. Since then, Robin’s world has changed very much for the better. Take a look at neurodivergence through the experiences of so many people – autistic, adhd, dyspraxic, dyslexic, parents and children, therapists and patients.

Date:Thu 8 May
Start time:7.30pm (Doors: 7pm)
Venue:Hall Two
+ 12.5% (£6 cap) Transaction fee.
+ £1 Building levy. More info
Availability:Tickets available
Kings Place Concessions Tickets
We want to ensure that people who may be struggling financially to purchase a ticket can still enjoy visiting Kings Place. A limited number of tickets have been allocated to this event (if the ticket type does not show in the booking pathway, it means they have all been sold). Concessions tickets are accessible for people on the following criteria (for more information visit our FAQs)
  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Disability Benefit
  • Income Support or Job Seekers allowance
  • Students
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