Available until 23:59 Sun 21 Feb
This online recording will be available to watch from 7pm on Fri 12 Feb for ticketholders. When it’s time to watch – you can access the show by logging in here and click on ‘May Contain Food’ in your list. You will then need to press the play button in the bottom left corner to start the recording. English subtitles and sound description available by clicking CC, located in the bottom right hand corner.
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‘Lip-smacking fusion of song, dance, mime and sweet aperitif tomatoes.’ ★★★★ The Guardian
‘Orlando Gough’s score is splendidly, sonorously odd.’ The Observer
Featured in The Guardian’s Hottest Front-Room Seats: The best theatre and dance to watch online.
Do you miss eating at restaurants and going to the theatre?
Protein invites you to bring home both by laying your table with a specially conceived tasting menu and immersing yourself in May Contain Food.
Filmed at The Place in 2016 and finally available online, May Contain Food is Protein’s popular and witty piece of dance and music theatre created by Luca Silvestrini and Orlando Gough, featuring an exquisite cast of four vocalists and four dancers singing for their supper.
Sit back, follow the performers and relish in the food, just like the dining audience in the recording, as you explore your relationship with eating for a very unique ‘night in.’
Some courses feature simple ingredients such as a cherry tomato and a ball of rice, whilst adventurous audiences seeking a full sensory experience can have a go at Gough’s own recipe of aromatic sticky ginger pudding to bake during the viewing and consume at the end.
From savouring simplicity, to the communal act, to touching on the moral dilemma of vegetarianism, the show weaves through the cultural significance of eating. Orlando Gough’s original score is performed entirely a cappella as movement is composed and music is choreographed creating an intimate experience of indulgence, nostalgia and mischief.
The show will be accompanied by an introduction from choreographer Luca Silvestrini and composer Orlando Gough and on the 12th of February, a live chat room will be available for those who wish to converse with the pair over supper.
To join the May Contain Food restaurant, book your ticket to watch the stream on KPlayer (see technical FAQ here, including advice on how you may be able to watch on your TV). Your recipes to prepare will be sent to you by email after purchasing a ticket, but please note this is not compulsory; feel free to simply enjoy the show if you prefer!
Available after broadcast until midnight, Sunday 21 February