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Ethics Policy

Ethics Policy

At Kings Place we’re working together as a team to become a more open, transparent organisation, continuing to be led by our purpose and values. A part of this transparency is our work that we have started on our Ethics Policy, which will be an evolving and working policy.

In building this policy we have looked to our peers in the sector to assess similar policies and will continue to listen to our community and artists as this policy evolves over the next few months

The Ethics Policy will be supported by an escalation procedure and decision-making framework that will assess whether particular events conflict with our charitable purpose in light of the content and context of the event and the ongoing commercial viability of the charity. What is of utmost importance to KPMF is its integrity and that its funds are received lawfully. From now on, when necessary, decisions on event bookings will be discussed by the Trustees and Kings Place Events on a case-by-case basis

Updates to the Ethics Policy will be published regularly as our work continues.


Bringing our society closer through music and spoken word.


A society where artists are truly valued and everyone has access to the life changing benefits of the arts.

Artistic Statement/Approach to Programming and Partnerships

Our programme aims to reflect the diversity of our community as well as reflecting the ever-changing world that we live in, allowing Kings Place to be a place of learning, discovery, debate and inspiration.

We uphold our belief in freedom of artistic expression and within that, the power of peaceful dialogue, within a balanced programme. What we mean by this is that we believe it is our responsibility to give a voice to a diverse array of artists and communities who explore work that may be challenging for others. As a result of this, we may explore subjects that are urgent and complex and it is our responsibility, along with the many organisations and artists we work with, to ensure that any controversial or sensitive work is planned with care so that ultimately, we provide a safe and welcoming space for all, including our audiences, artists and staff.

We invite artists and organisations to work with us because of their proven or potential track record of artistic work, those who uphold similar values to us. Our relationship with any organisation or artists does not mean we support their personal or political views, but we do support their right to express them. We do not tolerate hate speech, discrimination or harassment and expect everybody, whether working here or visiting, to act in line with our Zero Tolerance Statement and we will take action if anyone does not.

As well as our artistic programme, we regularly host conferences, private events, and meetings, the income from which directly supports our arts and learning activities. These are private and corporate events that do not form part of our public programme.

Culture Statement

Kings Place aims to create a culture of mutual trust and respect in all areas of its work. We will create an environment that allows everyone to give of their best, and to be part of making a positive impact for our audiences and communities.

We require everyone working with us to:

• Be respectful of others
• Have compassion for others
• Create a space for others to feel heard
• Be mindful of our values: Creativity, Collaboration, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, Innovation, Sustainability

Approach to Fundraising

KPMF fundraises actively from trusts, foundations, statutory bodies, individuals, and corporations, in order to support its charitable work. As part of this work, we internally assess potential and current donations from an ethics and compliance standpoint. We do not accept donations or grants where:

• the funds are known to be derived from criminal sources and/or illegal activity
• doing so would interfere with KPMF’s ability to fulfil its charitable aims, statutory obligations, or other objectives

• doing so would present a reputational risk that is likely to be greater than the benefits of those funds for pursuing KPMF’s charitable work

We comply with all relevant legislation, including money laundering rules, the Bribery Act and Charity Commission guidance, including terrorism and political activity.

Commercial Hire Policy

Kings Place Events are independently responsible for hiring the performance spaces on behalf of KPMF, the income from which directly supports its artistic programme. These commercial hires are private and are not in any way a part of the KPMF charitable public programme.

Hiring arrangements do not represent any endorsement by KPMF of the hiring organisation and they are not part of KPMF’s activities.

This could therefore mean that the hiring organisations and their activities are not aligned with those of KPMF’s as could be the case for any third-party contracting arrangement. What is of utmost importance to KPMF is its integrity and that its funds are received lawfully. A framework for decision making and an escalation procedure is being developed with Kings Place Events and will be added to our operating agreement in due course.